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Invitation to the city game

Inoprolt invites you to participate in a free city game in Kaunas Old Town and New Town for teams of 4-6 youth or individuals without a team. During the orientation, participants will complete tasks on data security and safe use of the Internet. The winner will be determined based on completion time and the number of points earned. Date: December 18, 2022, 12:00 – 16:00 pm Meeting place: Villa Kaunensis, 2nd floor, 21 Rotušės a., 44279 Kaunas. Kaunas Kaunas Hotel, 2220, Kaunas Town Hall, 2220, Kaunas Street, 2220
The team with the best score will receive prizes. During the orienteering competition, your team will have the opportunity to discover previously unknown corners of Kaunas city! Register your team or individual registration

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